SOLID principles are really good advice and were explained in a really simple
way during this article. Some of them I had already heard as in the past I have
read one of Uncle Bob’s books during the Videogame project course. The Single Responsibility
Principle is the only one of the principles that until now I always have in
mind while writing classes, although being honest just as the article says it
is not always that straightforward what would be considered doing only one
thing, so sometimes I may not apply it perfectly.
Open/Closed Principle and the Liskov Substitution Principle those are
principles that are new to me and certainly go against some of the things I knew. Because I had learned to use inheritance in
those situations, although reading the article I agree that abusing inheritance
may not always be a good idea as it may leave the code in an unpleasant state
or generate side effects.
Interface Segregation Principle I never had thought about doing that, yet it is
something so simple and makes a lot of sense. As it allows to only get the code
you need, nothing more or less. It is important as it avoids classes to become
bloated by unnecessary code.
the Dependency Inversion Principle was also one of those really simple things
that seem so obvious, yet I never thought of before. The ability to just not
create hard dependencies seems like such a useful one, and it does not require
that much extra work. And not only that it also allows to substitute for any
class that implements that interface, making it more flexible. Also, it reminds
me about some of the design patterns we have studied in the course. I
will try to be more mindful and apply this principles in future software.
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