Software Architecture


I hope that during this course we can learn how to make a good software architecture, because I have read about it in several courses and as the chapter says there is no code without architecture I have done architectures although probably not being as conscious of it as I should have been and I have never known if my architecture is good or bad and how I can improve it. I understand the concepts seen in class, but I have never been told you could have reduced this class into this, or this class does to much. Also, I have never had to do maintenance on a software, so I have never experienced the results of a bad architecture, the closest was when I had to refactor entire classes made by my teammates in videogames. Learning how to better design a software architecture is something I would like to see during the course.

Overall, it was a nice chapter as it allowed me to remember what I saw in other courses in a really short time and I was able to understand some things like the Framework that I had not really understood in my software engineering courses. Although I have to admit that some guidelines are too broad such as the level of detail in the architecture where it says that it should not be too little, but neither it should too much. I understand what it wants to say, but it is not really too helpful. Probably the best advice I read was that a good design was simple and that it means that it can be described in a paragraph and shown in only a diagram, and that the architecture should not try to define how the components work, only what they have to do and how they interact with each other.


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