Who needs an architect?


The reading did raise two important questions one that I had thought of before and one that I had not, and I believe the one I had not thought about is important to answer the other one. The one I had not thought about was, what is software architecture? I just took the definition given in class at face value, and that definition was really similar to the one given by the IEEE. I just accepted that architecture was that even though it was abstract enough to not be sure what specifically entails the term. I believe that those cynical definition given by the author feel more specific, like they help more to recognize what is software architecture.

The question I had already asked myself is, when does someone becomes and architect and what are the qualifications? I asked myself this because seeing the tittle I just thought I definitely am not an architect, but what would it take to become one, or when do you know you are one. The tittle sounds kind of arbitrary because as seen in last week’s reading every program has an architecture, therefore I had already designed architectures before yet I would not considered myself an architect as my programs have neither to experience fast changing requirements, have not experienced an unexpected increase in users, neither have been used for long periods of time, nor had to be maintained. They haven’t been tested in any of those ways and I am sure some of them would not be able to handle those tests, I know I lack experience, but in the future when I am able to do more robust code would that automatically make an architect or when do you know that someone is ready to make those hard design decisions.

I certainly like more the idea of having an Architectus Oryzus.


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