Software Craftsmanship
I have been trying to avoid of thinking of programming as a craftmanship since some years ago because we were kind of thought that it was incorrect. During our software development courses we were taught that treating it as a craftmanship was what caused it. But the way uncle Bob explained it as a craftmanship did resonate with me as indeed you do feel proud of your code when it works, and when you manage to program an elegant solution or a clean code it does feel better. Also, everyone has their own way of programming for example when in a group project I see a variable with an unholy name such as ‘iiiiiiiiiii’ I immediately ask Óscar if he did it, and with people you have programmed multiple times you get a feeling of how they code. Maybe it is not a wrong way to see code after all if you can follow the software craftmanship manifesto, which indeed as they say it is not nearly as popular as the agile manifesto. The points in them do sound like really good programming practice...